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Thursday, August 23, 2007

This week

Just a little update on this week in my life. It doesn't seem like I was just at Disneyland on Sunday.

Anyway, school started on Monday. I have three classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. PE, US History, and English. I also have one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and that's Biology.

I was also offered a tutoring job on Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays. I'll be working about 15 hours a week at the local High School, tutoring math. I am looking forward to this a lot. :) And the extra money every month will be great, too.

I just wanted to give everyone who reads my blog a little update on this week.

Upcoming in the next couple weeks:

--Start working on Tuesday.
--Disneyland Half Marathon, where I am volunteering on Sunday, Sept 2. Then, we're going to Disneyland on the 3rd, where we'll meet up with a few friends on my Disney internet board (www.laughingplace.com).
--The girls' birthdays are in October, so we'll be going to Disneyland again on October 5 & 7. We'll be having their "Birthday Party" at Plaza Inn on Sunday the 7th, where we'll be meeting with some friends from the above mentioned internet board.

Hope everyone had a great week and will have a great weekend!!

Peace Out.

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