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Monday, September 3, 2007

Another Day

So we went to Sea World today. It was only 87 degrees, but it was miserable. Usually, I'm saying "This isn't bad," since we are "used to" 100+ degree weather. However, it was so humid in San Diego today that I felt like I had sat in the Soak Zone all day!!

We got to the park, and it turned out that TODAY was the Fun Card blackout. I had a child's ticket that Big Sis won at the awards ceremony last school year, and I have a Silver passport. Damon bought a blackout ticket. No harm. The girls wanted to get wet, so I had brought their bathing suits.

We first went to Shamu's Happy Harbor. The only wet thing working were the guns on the boat. I guess I misunderstood, and yesterday (Saturday) was the last day for the wet fun. Oh well, they got wet and had some fun. We then went to Shamu's Believe, and Big Sis sat in the 4th or 5th row of the Soak Zone. Unfortunately, we were sitting on the far right of the stadium, so she didn't get wet at all.

After, we walked a bit, and then went to the Dolphin Show. Again, Big Sis was in the 3rd row of the Soak Zone. This time, she managed to get wet. After the show, we walked a bit more so she could dry off, and then I took the girls to the restroom to get them back in their clothes.

Little Sis by this time was starting to get a little fussy, so we got a churro, then went to eat. However, by the time we finished eating, she was just too crabby, so we left. It was about 5-ish. Not too bad. Five hours at Sea World.

On the way home, we stopped at Walmart so that I could get my workout clothes. I tried them on tonight, and I felt well supported. LOL I get to run a mile and a half on Wednesday. It's not that bad, since it's half the 5K I'm running in November. I'm looking forward to training for that. I also bought an arm band for my iPod and a stopwatch so I can time myself. I also bought a new pair of running shoes. I'm all set!! Hopefully San Diego will be a LOT cooler and a LOT less humid in November than it was today!!!

Hope everyone had a great holiday Sunday. I was thinking today, and upon realizing it was September 2, I also realized that it was a year ago today that my best friend Christina died. I kept thinking of her, and how horrible and tragic her death was to those who loved her. She's missed by everyone. So tell those you love that you love them. Because tomorrow may never come.

Peace out my homies.

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