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Friday, June 29, 2007


I took my 2 year old to the ER today.
For the last week, she's been congested, and the mucous has cause blockage in her nostrils. When we'd clean the blockage, her nose would bleed very bad.
She got a prescription for antibiotics and a decongestant.
I looked it up online, and apparently, it's common in kids, especially during the summer, and since her poor little nose had already been irritated, the infection just exacerbated the problem.
The only problem is that it's contagious, and I think she got it from Big Sister. I thought I was just cleaning boogers, but apparently I spread it from Big Sis to Little Sis. Since Big Sis let me clean her nose more often and put ointment on it, hers is better. Little Sis fights me, and boy is she strong. I practically have to sit on her to clean her nose. And then she cries which creates more mucous which just starts the whole cycle over again.
*sigh* I hate summer here. The heat is so bad and dry that our skin gets horribly dry which causes rashes and then we scratch and then we get sores. And no amount of lotion helps. Especially my little one, with her already sensitive and dry skin. Poor baby.
I'm off to Target to get her rx filled. I hope she'll beat this soon.

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