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Saturday, June 30, 2007


Ugh. I am sick. Again.

Damn sinuses. I hate living in the desert with the dust and the dry heat and the smoke from all the burning fields. I cannot wait to move next summer. Of course, then I'm going to the city with the smog. I'm used to that, though. :) Being a city girl at heart and all.

My baby's doing a little better. She's been on antibiotics for 24 hours. She's still congested, but it's the same thing I'm dealing with. We're living with Vicks Vapo-Rub and lots of Kleenex. Decongestants and allergy medicine just don't work for us.

The baby just peed on the bed. Because she's got the whole runny nose thing going, she's thirstier than normal. And then she fell asleep on my bed before I had her use the toilet. Oh, well. I have a spare mattress made just for these types of situations. I stripped the bed, and then swapped the mattresses. I'll wash the sheets tomorrow and then re-make the spare. Those are the drawbacks and precautions that come with having a newly potty trained 2 year old!!!!

We were planning on going to Sea World for the 4th. But I talked to my dad today, and they're just going to be spending time at home, along with my Nana, and then watching the fireworks in Temecula. I'm debating on where to go. Going to my dad's will save money and probably be less stressful, but maybe not, since my Nana will be there. She's not always the sweetest Nana around, and I think she's not too fond of my girls. They're very touchy feely and loving, and she's not one for physical affection. At least she wasn't when I was a kid.

Anyway, it's late, and The Amazing Race 7 is just getting good. Hope y'all are having a great weekend.

Peace Out.

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