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Sunday, July 1, 2007

Took a load off....

I just cleaned my living room. I told my oldest to pick up her toys, and then anything left on the floor was going to be thrown away.
She told me she was finished, and then I managed to throw away 2 FULL bags of garbage. Mostly garbage, but also toys, dolls, shoes, coloring books, crayons, markers and books...so much crap under there I was floored.
The girls didn't bat an eye, and I was more upset about throwing that stuff away than I was. Some of the stuff was stuff I had bought them when they were sick or hurt or it was stuff from Disneyland or Sea World.
So they're not getting anything anymore. If you are family or friends, and you are reading this, don't send my kids any more stuff. If you feel the need to buy them anything, buy *ME* something nice so I can be a more relaxed mom. Or better yet, send me on vacation.
Heaven knows I need one.

See what's free at AOL.com.

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