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Monday, June 30, 2008


I wasn't tagged, but threeundertwo posted this a couple days ago and I'm bored and "Walk The Line" just isn't doing it for me. Love Joaquin's voice, though......ok...here we go!

A is for age: 28...less than a year and a half until I'm 30! EEEK...but, that 30th birthday is going to be FAB because I'm celebrating with LPers!
B is for burger of choice: mmm......burgers....Whisky River BBQ Burger from Red Robin...no lettuce or tomatoes (ok, bop me on the head...shoulda had a V-8)
C is for what kind of car you drive: Well, I'm not able to drive it much now..the alternator's out on it. But it's a 2002 Ford Focus.
D is for your dog's name: I don't have a dog. But if I did, I'd name him....umm....I dunno
E is for essential item you use everyday: the computer. But really, it would have to be soap..I can't go more than 24 hours without a shower...and I can't sleep if I haven't taken one. TMI? Sorry.
F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Well, since most everything's in reruns, I don't have one at the moment. I need to remember to set the VCR (*sigh* I miss my DVR) to record The Bill Engvall Show. During the reglar season, it's CSI, Survivor, Law & Order: SVU...oh, and let's not forget Adam & Jamie on Mythbusters!
G is for favorite game: anything that I can play with my girls. Disney Trivia Game is one they can usually beat me at...but that's because they play with the Kids' Cards, and I stack the deck to put the ones I know they don't know at the back of the deck! What a nice mommy, huh?
H is for Home State: California, baby!
I is for instruments you play: I played the flute in high school. And get this...not only did I found the flute at my grandma's and take it home, but while I was unpacking, I found my music!! So, if I get bored, guess what I'm doing? Oh, and I took a music class last semester, so I can play the flutaphone, too.
J is for favorite juice: plain ol' orange juice...but it HAS to be "fresh squeezed." Not that I have to see it squeezed, but it has to say "fresh squeezed" on the container. Like Tropicana. I can't stand Minute Maid. Yuck.
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: my brother's. *sigh*
L is for last restaurant at which you ate: hmm.....I think it would have to be Calico's..but we didn't eat there...we had pizza delivered. Does that count??
M is for your favorite Muppet: are we talking classic Muppets? Or Sesame Street? Oh, well...either way, it's Kermit.
N is for Number of Piercing: 2 in each ear...but I rarely wear earrings. Unless they're my Pirate Earrings.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Two...one when I had each of my girls. Then, I stayed overnight with Big Sis when she was admitted in June 2006 for dehydration.
P is for people you were with today: Just myself, mostly, until Honey came home, then we spent a little time together. But he's gotta go in to work at 5am, so he went to bed at like, 5.
Q is for what you do with your quiet time: Blog. Read. Play on LaughingPlace. Oh, yeah, and lately, I've been unpacking.
R is for biggest regret: right now, it's letting my girls spend 3 weeks at grandma's!!!
S is for status: Happily taken. :)
T is for time you woke up today: 11am. Won't be able to do that once the girls get home, though!
U is for what you consider unique about yourself: umm............ummm............can't think of something witty and unique to say LOL
V is for vegetable you love: corn...peas....potatoes....raw carrots....
W is for worst habit: Like most of you who read my blog, it would have to be spending too much time on the computer. And watching too much TV.
X is for x-rays you've had: dental, wrist...I think that's about it
Y is for yummy food you ate today: not much...I had a mini pizza, a peanut butter and honey sandwich, and an egg salad sandwich. And iced tea...lots of iced tea.
Z is for zodiac: Sagittarius. Because cool people were born in December :)

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