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Thursday, June 12, 2008


So, I'm sick again. I can't figure out exactly what it is...allergies? sinus infection? cold? So I'm miserable because I'm taking meds that aren't working!

I woke up Monday morning with a slight sore throat, and it's gotten progressively worse since then. Last night, I was stuffy, and that may have just been allergies, but then this morning, it was pretty bad. And I had really weird dreams last night, so I know I'm sick.

I've been napping all day today, but not easily, since my kids don't know how to sit quietly and read or watch TV. Luckily, things will quiet down later this evening, and I can go to bed early.

This is really bad timing, since my kids leave for grandma's on Saturday and I have class on Monday! I was sick at the start of last semester, too. Go figure. I also have a lot more packing to get done, I have some done, but not enough to really have made a dent in what needs to be done.
Well, I'm going back to bed.

1 comment:

Tena said...

I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well Jaime, hope you are back to 100% ASAP!