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Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Day in the Life...

So, on my LaughingPlace.com Message Board there are some of us doing a project called "A Day in the Life of LP." Yesterday, those participating carried around their cameras all day and took pictures of what happened during their day. I didn't start taking pictures until after I arrived in Borrego Springs, when Honey and I went for our sunset walk after dinner. Here are the pictures that didn't make the cut.
Behind Honey's apartment. Nothing but desert....

The mountains that seperate Borrego Springs from the Coachella Valley and Imperial Valley.

Honey exploring the desert. There is a lot of debris back there.

The last of the wild flowers. This one didn't make the cut because the house behind it is in focus. I was using Honey's camera, so I was getting used to the settings.

More wild flowers. Again, not completely in focus, plus, the flash went off, making everything else seem darker.

Check out LVBelle's pics that didn't make her cut...she's much better with the camera than I am!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, thanks! I'm actually going to be doing my first professional type shoot soon! My cousin said I could do their engagement photos! :) I'm so excited and nervous at the same time!